You get your period

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Im gonna enjoy writing this. 



You woke up one morning, with a big red spot on your sheets. You got up, got cleaned up in the bathroom. When you realised that it was blood, you screamed.

The first person to arrive at the bathroom was Tolys. "y/n? Whats wrong?"

You kept mumbling 'blood'. He got that hint then you heard running. Then you heard the knock again. This time, it was your mom. 

"Y/n, dear, open up." You opened the door and your mom came in. She explained verything and you stood there thinking 'Why....'

A few minutes after, you came out of the bathroom to find the baltics, and your uncle, all gone. "where's Uncle Ivan and the others?"

"They don't like us on our time of the month. Scaredy cats." Your aunt told you, sipping some coffee.


You weren't home when it happened. You were with your uncle Alfred on break in Texas for the weekend. So naturally, being iffy-comfortable with this shit, you asked him. 

"Al? what happens when a girl starts bleeding?"

"Why you ask?" He asked you, taking a drink from his pop.

"No reason..."You spaced.

"y/n......Is it your time of the month?"He asked you, slowly sitting up suspiciously.

You turned red and nodded. 

"I ain't dealing with this. Im calling Mia. She's the closest thing." He got his phone and about an hour later, a tanned woman in a colourful ruffle dress hugged you super tightly. "Hi Y/n! We met a long time ago! Im Mia!" She had a Spanish accent but you knew she wasn't from Europe though.

She explained all this shit to you and your only reaction was 'Oh. So this is the so called demon?' You had heard stories of how horrifying this could be for the receiving end of conversations.

When you headed back home, you noticed that your father wasn't home. there was a note, and money.

"Y/n, I heard what happened from Alfred so If you need anything, call Mia. Here's 10$ for some chocolate if you need some."You read that note over and over.

'Guess I could call Mia over again. She's fun. She also knows how to tango.'you thought as you grabbed the phone to call the Mexican girl. You could have fun with this.


Since the French are so straightforward with this stuff, that's what you did. 

"Dad, i started my period" You told him, as you took his newspaper away from him. "Alright, we're going to the store."

You both basically went shopping, went back home, and your dad told you what to do. And he gave you some extra cash for food.

"People make such a big deal out of this. It's not even that embarrassing."

"It's because they are dramatic fools" 


You didn't want to talk about this to any of them. They were all guys. It was one of those times you wished there was a female around. So you did the rational thing. You wrote a note, pushed it under our father's door and went back to your room. 

Now with your father.

He heard some walking then noticed a paper on the ground. "Who's it from?" Lukas asked, trying to find his book.  Matthias hid it again. "Oh its from my little girl!" He opened it and froze. He also turned red. 

Lukas looked at the note. "She ain't little anymore. *sigh* I'll go." He left "I want my book back in return." He said, leaving "Fine." 

Back with you

You opened your door and poked your head out, seeing Lukas. "did he get the note?" You asked him. "Yes. If you had verbally told him, he would have probably shrieked and passed out. I'm going in his place."

Lukas told you, emotionless face. "Thank you. Buy me candy and get me coffee too please" You told him, passing him money. He gave you a thumbs up and left.But of course, not before giving you your coffee though.

After he left, you closed the door and rolled onto the floor groaning in pain. "Ughh..."You got one of your fluffy blankets and rolled yourself into a sushi roll and went to the heater, silently sipping your coffee.


You woke up in so much pain you could barely move. You groggily shouted for your dad. "What do you want?" Your dad said opening the door. "Oh, you don't look to good." He said worried. "I feel horrible~" you groaned out. 

"Well it's too hot in here. Let's get you a thinner blanket." He said, taking the blanket. He froze when he noticed the blood. 

He rushed out of the room, threw you your blanket, and a heating pack. Plus Feliciano. "You deal with this fratello!" He yelled. "But why????" Feliciano whinned. Lovino slammed the door shut. "Im going to the store! Make her something!" Your father screamed. "Would you like some pasta?'

"Sure. Is there any hot tea?"

"Yeah. Kiku is visiting again"

"Yay! After papa comes back, let's go find them."


You woke up and noticed a giant red spot on your blanket. Here's the initial thought. "It looks like the flag of Japan." Then you almost started laughing till you got a cramp. "You're finally up! Let's go fo-" Your father stopped mid sentence when he noticed your bed. 

"I get you blanket, tea, medicine-" "NOT THE MEDICINE!"The medicine was made of strange herbs and it never tasted good. It tasted horrible. Everyone you knew who took this type of medicine never liked the taste and neither did you.

"Fine. I get you loads of chocolate, but it only makes cramps worse! You ask if you need anything!"He told you as he passed you everything. You were just shocked.

"Sooooo...Are we still going for a run?"

"Cramps aren't an excuse. Of course we are!"

"We go for Ice cream too?'

"Don't push it"


If you want a certain scenario, just comment what you would like and I'll get started on it!

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