Valentines day~ + surprise

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Gonna be alone on valentines day AGAIN this year so might as well contribute to others who are probably going to be lonely by writing some shitty fanfiction so enjoy~~~


What is the surprise? Well, one nice thing many people like~~~

Read on my friends~~~~


Only God knows how Feliks convinced your mom to let you do this. With how protective she and Ivan are, someone ought to think Feliks kidnapped you instead and lied, but he didn't. Your mom told you to have a good trip and to stay safe, if anything happened to call and she would fly down immediately. Though there was a catch. {I'll reveal that later}

You were on a road trip with Feliks in Poland, 700 km [close to 500 miles] away from Minsk. You were both singing to obnoxious songs from your playlists and eating small pieces of chocolate/Candy at the same time. Valentines Day was tomorrow after all.

Mid trip, you had fallen asleep and slept through the whole drive there. When you arrived, you asked Feliks where you were, with the reply "Shouldn't have fallen asleep" And a laugh. So you both spent the day looking around the streets to see all the decorations and happy people in the streets.

The next day, he brought you to a bridge. Your eyes landed on one, or many things: Locks. Lots of Locks. You finally realized where you were. "We're in Krakow! This is the Bridge to Love!" You exclaimed with a large smile. He hummed in response, digging into his pocket for something. He pulled out a small padlock with both your names on it.

"Would you like to lock it?" He offered you the Red and White lock.

"Let's lock it together." You told him. So that's what you did. You both clicked the look onto the bridge and watched it shine among the other. You then threw the key over into the river. He put his arm around you as you looked across the river, taking in the beautiful sight.

He motioned someone from the side and gave him his phone to take a picture. "Milen, take a really good one" He told him. The brunette man shook his head and positioned the camera.

"Why did he say yes but he shook his head no?"You asked him.

"That's how Milen acts all the time. Watch, Here's your present. " He said smiling. He surprised you by taking your hand, dipping you to the side and giving you quite the kiss. He seperated and smiled, "Get it Milen?" He shook his head again.

"Looks great Pol!" He passed him the phone. You looked at the picture and blushed. It looked just like those romantic movies where its the perfect kiss. You then noticed him sending it to someone.

"What are you doi-NO. THAT'S A DEATH WISH." And like that, he clicked send. He sent it to Ivan, Natalya and Tolys. " You have a death wish don't you." You just looked at him unimpressed.

"They won't do anything to me if it upsets you. But if I upset you, I'm dead though." He laughed and just kissed you again, you enjoying the sweet taste of chocolate that you both enjoyed earlier that day.


Beom Seok somehow found his way back to you undetected again (Probably causing more problems again).

You both walked around the city, hand in hand and super close, and smiling and laughing. You both stopped by multiple shops and bought many things. You went back to the place where you both ate together for the first time and enjoyed just chatting.

You both went skating later that night together and you watched him fall over multiple times, but he soon got the hang of it and you were both racing and playing on the ice like 13 year olds.

Suddenly, the speaker went off, announcing a couple skate, so a sweet slow music filled the air and you could see people pairing up together and skating happily and blushing together.

When the couple skate ended, you both took a break on the side and sat together on the small bench. You kissed his cheek and he blushed looking to the other side.

"Can I try something?" He asked you. You hummed in response. He turned back, blushing more, and leaned in and kissed you. Of course, you kissed back and you heard a couple go by and say how cute you were together.

In the end, it was a great day for both of you.


You represented Paris, The city of love [Though you didn't know it]. Romance pretty much flowed in your veins. You became flirtier, and seemed to glow at this time of the year. You couldn't wait to see what John had in mind for the both of you.

You kinda expected from your British boyfriend for something romantic. Of course, when you received a box in your room, you were genuinely confused on it's content. You received a text from said man.

John: Do you like it?

You: I haven't even opened it.

John: I want to see your reaction.

When you started typing a reply, a cloud of smoke appeared with him in a suit, carrying a bouquet of roses. You smiled, kinda giggled, and smelled the flowers. "Open your present love" He said, passing you the medium sized box. You felt suspicious about the contents of it so you took the tape off and opened it slowly, just to make sure there was no pie prank.

There were many tiny little white balls covering the contents. You dug your hand into the box and felt something. "Did you seriously..." You just looked at him and he winked back. "You dirty minded perv." You mumbled. You knew exactly what the content was.

You pulled out a very revealing dress and special items to go along with it.

"You are a daring man."

"Just put the dress on and let's go. I reserved a place near the Eiffel tower for supper"

You ended up putting the dress on, but not the other things (-_-)/ because it didn't interest you but you both enjoyed your time out together. You only got back around dark so the street lights and the Eiffel tower was lit up.

Feeling brave, you poke his shoulder to get his attention, so when he looked at you, you pulled him down to your height and kissed him. A strong passionate kiss that he was not expecting.

"And that's your present from your French Girlfriend" You laughed and ran ahead, leaving him behind in shock before he finally realised and ran back to you, and chasing you all the way back to your house with both of you laughing.


Lukas had purposely given Emil a push to take you out for Valentines day, though you saw right through the pressure. You enlisted the help of one of your special friends, and she sent you something through the mail. You opened the pack and saw the glorious small box in front of you: Licorish-flavoured pocky. It was unique, one of a kind.

So on Valentines day, You stuck pieces of licorish on various appliances all over the house. You enjoyed watching his happy expression every time he found a piece. Near lunch time, he finally figured out that it was you and came to see you in the living room, while you were eating your little cookie treat. It may or may not have smelled of licorish. [If you don't like it, well, pretend you do. Think of the plot~~]

"Is that licorish flavoured?"

"yep" You stuck a piece in your mouth and looked at him. "You going to need to eat it faster than me" You teased him. He stuck his mouth on the other end with no hesitation and took a bite. That is, till he pulled it out of your mouth and ran with the rest of it. "HEY! That's mine!" You screamed and chased him. Sadly, he was faster than you.

Luckily for you, Lukas was hiding behind a corner and caught him when he passed. "Go for the kill" He whispered to you when you caught up. You took the cookie away from him, and slowly ate it as he looked destroyed. {You took his treat}

"You know this game, Emil." Lukas made a small, almost unnoticeable smile. "You have to eat it with her~ If you break it, you need to follow her rules" You stuck the other end in his mouth and Lukas poofed out of the room.

You both took bites out of the treat till your lips finally met. He started blushing and you starting smirking on the inside. But one thing that you seemed to forget was, Emil, while he showed no sign of it, was extremely competitive. Losing what not an option to either of you.

When you realized oxygen was needed, you decided to let go and seperate, and the first sight was a smirking Emil who had his hand open.

"You win..." You mumbled.

"I want that box of pocky." You gave him the box, and wanting to see what the expected reaction would be, you decided to be courageous and try something daring.

"Fine. Is there anything you want, Master?"

"W-w-wha-w-w-why- *More exaggerated stuttering*"

'I'm going to have fun with that all day~~~' Was all you thought as you laughed as his blushing stuttering look on his face. So you bugged him with different terms that only made him blush more.


Italians. They flirt. A lot. So it only became natural to do it even more now that couples were being extra lovey-dovey this week.

You and Cumhur got to hang out in Rome on Valentines day so you decided to be extra affectionate. He didn't think you would know the city like the back of your hand, but you did so when he tried to bring you to one of the romantic hotspots, he got lost and you showed him how to get there, to his embarrassment. He bought a bouquet for you and a small box of your favourite chocolates.

He brought he you your favourite little cafe and you both enjoyed the Valentines day special together (It was like a little cake) and enjoyed a night stroll under the starry night sky.

Your dad got dragged out today with Antonio by force so he could relax a bit too. Of course, you just smiled and let your dad be taken away by his passionate lover while you were with yours.

While walking in the city square, you noticed that they were doing a dance demonstration you immediately recognised as the Tarantella Napoletana, a traditional dance of Italy. "Let's go!" You pulled his hand into the crowd and began dancing, him looking awkward. "It's easy. Follow my lead" You showed him the steps and he immediately got it.

Everyone smiled and laughed as the music came to a stop and everyone clapped and id farewell to each other as a new song started playing.

He took your face and kissed you, shocking you for a half-second but you kissed back and a few people aww'ed at the both of you before you separated and laughed at his slightly red face from the attention he was getting.


Your dad, being himself, was completely against the idea of Yong Soo treating you to something romantic since he still didn't approve of this relationship, but he let it be for now. {Though Chinese Valentines day (qixi festival) lands on august 17th this year

You were at the store with Mei the day before Valentines day to get chocolate for Yong Soo. She wanted to give something to Kiku and you found that cute. You both eventually found something.

Much like Japan, in Korea, Valentines day is about women giving something to the men, while White Day (March 14th) is about Men giving something to women.

The next day, you ended up going to the park with Yong Soo, and you gave him chocolate while blushing and he found it super cute. You both sat on a park bench while he happily enjoyed his chocolate. Of course, he pulled out your favourite flowers out of nowhere and you almost squealed.

He ended up walking home with you and when he noticed that your dad was watching him through a window, he whispered to you "Wanna piss him off?"

"Of course" Was the first thing that came out. As if thinking the same thing, you both turn at the same time and kiss. A nice, deep kiss that lasted a few seconds. You both separated and looked at the window and laughed. He was now cleaning a machete. "Give me another one" You told him as you pulled him back into a kiss again, which he gladly accepted.


Milen - Bulgaria

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