Your parent finds out about your boyfriend pt.2

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The second set of characters~~~~ Hope you enjoy. I, like, really enjoyed writing the Denmark one.



After going to the promised dinner Emil paid for, you both decided to go to the movies. You were both waiting for the movie to start but Emil looked like a nervous wreck. "What's wrong?" You asked him  curiously.

"Im nervous." He started. He was getting fidgety and he was playing with his hands. "How the heck are we going to tell Mathias about this? He'll go berserk on me, and maybe Lukas." He said, looking around a lot.

"Well, let me handle that bit, and we can just relax for now. Look, the movie is starting." You leaned your head on his shoulder as he hesitantly put his arm around you, also giving him a push to be more open.

Meanwhile, back at the Nordic home

"My senses are tingly. Something isn't right." Denmark mumbled, cleaning his axe and watching TV at the moment. 

"You are going crazy Denmark. Calm down." Norway said. 'Can he really sense that something isn't right from a few miles away? It's probably with Y/n and Iceland. ' On the inside, he was a little creeped out, on the outside, normal emotionless Norway. 

"You know something Nor." Denmark looked at Norway suspiciously. "Where's Y/n and Iceland anyways? Haven't seen either of them all day." He kept looking directly at Norway. 

"Y/n... Is at a friend's. Iceland went back to Iceland to take care of something. Volcano stuff." Was all Norway said. 

"I don't believe you. I just saw the puffin a minute ago in the kitchen."

"In the kitchen? It's after the coffee again!" They both got up and grabbed the bird quickly before he could ruin the supply of coffee. 

"I'll go get more at the store." Norway said, getting out as fast as he could. He got in the car and sighed in relief.

"Not fast enough Nor." He almost jumped when he saw him in the backseat. "I know what you're doing. You're covering for them." Denmark looked at him dead in the eyes, sending shivers down his back, but not in a good way.

~~~~Back to you~~~~

You had your head leaned against Emil's shoulder while watching the movie.  It was a nice cute part and Emil suddenly pulled his phone out to see a text from his brother. His eyes grew wide as he read it over. you looked at his phone and almost coughed.

Nor: Den found out. Hide. He's on his way.

 "I need to find a spot to hide." He whispered to you. You thought for a few seconds and pointed to below the seats. He sighed and sunk down below the chair. You looked up at the exit and saw your dad with Lukas in tow behind him. You got up and explained that you went alone to the movies. He sent you out with Lukas but stayed behind just a bit. You turned to see him holding Emil by the ear. 

An hour later~~

You were sitting in the living room on one chair, Emil beside your dad, on the other side of the room. The tense as so thick, a butter knife would do nothing to cut it. "I'm watching you closely now."



"Hi dad..." Was all you could manage to say. He had a somewhat disappointed look on his face and it hit you hard. You had only ever received this face twice before and you rather get yelled at instead than get that.

"Why him..." He pointed to Sadik. "Why did it have to be his son of all people... 8 billion people and this happens." Was all he muttered. He just walked away, no vulgarity, no threats. Nothing. Everyone just looked uncomfortable. 

"I've known him for a long time... That was just... Uncomfortable." Sadik said. 

"I'll go see him." You told them. "I'll be back. I need to finish this excellent Turkish coffee." You told them as you left, backing out of the room

You ended up finding your dad sitting on a log, overlooking a small lake, in a pretty deep forest. "Dad? Why are you upset?" You asked him, taking a seat. "Let me guess, you won't tell me because it's silly?" You smiled to him, just watching him turn slightly red in embarrassment. 

"Growing up sucks." Was all he mumbled. "I know one day, you will leave me for that...thing, and I'll be alone with Feliciano and Antonio. It is silly." He mumbled.

"It's not like I'm gonna die or anything!" You exclaimed, laughing at your own humour. "Even if I do, I'll come see you lots. Can you swear just to show me it's still you and not an impostor?" You poked him.

"That Bastardo will have to a f***ing fight me if he does anything." 

"Ah, that's better. Wait- Why do you think I'll get married so early?!?!?"

"You are very pretty. For some reason, all the men in our family looked like girls for a good portion of our life. We're a really pretty family."

"Tell me you didn't wear a frilly pink dress when you were small."

"NO! But Feliciano wore a green one."

"Well, if it make you feel better, I won't get married or I won't leave till im in my mid-twenties if you want."

"Don't get married at all."



"Aiyaa! What did you just tell me?! Repeat that Japan!" China was beyond furious at the moment. He really wanted to make sure he heard him properly.

"She has a boyfriend!" Japan said calmly, trying not to get his eardrums blasted. 

"And who did you say it was???" He urged on, wanting to hear all the information.

"S.Korea! He is her boyfriend!" Japan said hurridly. 

"Aiyaa, that's just wrong!!" He got up in a hurry and left the room, headed towards the door. "He better keep his grabby hands off her or else." He grumbled.

At that moment, you and Yong Soo walk in, laughing and holding hands. So basically, your dad ran right into you and him. You rubbed your forehead and look up and gulped nervously, seeing a dangerous look on your dad's face. "H-Hi.." You squeak out hesitantly.

"HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER! IM YONG SOO OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH KOREA! HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK OF TAKING HER ON A DATE?????" Was all that came out of your dad the moment he layed his eyes on Yong Soo. 

'Holy shit. I've never seen that look before and I don't ever  want that. ' Was the only thought running through your mind. You looked behind him to see Kiku, completely paper-pale and visibly shaking as he witnessed your dad. You guessed that they also had never witnessed this side.

"AND YOU CAN'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND TILL YOU'RE MARRIED" He pointed to you, as you just raised an eyebrow. 

"Arranged marriage?" You squeaked out and watched his expression go from rage, to 'stop talking now '. You decided to shut up and sit like a good child...euh...Teen. 


"Forgive me dad, but there's only 5 years. You're talking like the age gap is decades and maybe even centuries. It's only 5 years." You talked back to him.  You had no idea where this leap of faith came from but you instantly regretted it. 

"Go to your room." Was all he said as he faced Yong Soo. You slowly walked in that direction till you heard Yong Soo answer your dad.

"Give us at least a chance Yao. I promise I won't do anything bad to her." Yong Soo stated to him. Inside, he was feeling immense fear, but he really did like you and he wanted to pursue that. "Trust me. I know it's difficult, but just trust me." Yao just looked at him with a stone cold face, ready to do anything. "I know what I'm doing and I'll take full responsibility for anything that happens." He finished. For even an instance, he saw hope in Yao's facial expression before it disappeared again.

"Fine. But one mistake. That's all it takes to make sure you never see her again. I'm watching you closely." He warned him. Yao left and you just stood there shocked for a few seconds.

'Did...he just convince my dad???? And he sounded so mature doing that! Either Yong Soo was ready for death or he's oblivious to danger. ' It was all that was running through your mind,


Did I make a good job choosing the scenarios?

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