You meet your other parent

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You meet your other parent. But for China, since your mother is, you know, dead....You'll meet a relative of your mother's. 



You were shopping in at the farmer's market right in the outskirts of the capital that day with your mom. It was pie season. So you and your mom were buying the freshest fruits/vegetables needed to make both of your favourite recipes.

You were chatting with Bob, your farmer friend. He usually sold you the stuff you needed and it was quality. (Yes, very original name, but Bob will come back later in the future)

"Natalya?" You heard a male voice in the crowd call out to your mother, running towards you.

"Oh, I see you have a special friend with you now" He winked in her direction after looking at you. You felt incredibly disgusted by his comment.

"Excuse you, I'm her daughter! Have some respect!" You told him sternly.

He looked you over, even circling you to get a better look. "Yep, I did a good job" he mumbled, you giving him a confused look.

"F/n(father's name), please leave. You are not welcome near us" Your mother got between both of you.

"Can't even say hi to my own flesh and blood? You were always so rude." He commented with a challenging attitude.

"F-flesh and blood!?" You exclaimed, shocked at the news. This man....Your father? No way.

"You didn't even talk about me to her? Wow, show me some respect." he said, faking a tear.

"Uncle is on his way, mom" you told her, putting your phone away. You had texted him what happened. And you wanted this dealt with, with the help of your special uncle.

"How about we become a real family like before? What do you say?" He tried asking and flirted with your mother as she tried her hardest not to pull out her hidden gun.

"The day I die we can" she spat in his face, now looking at you, she asked with a smile. "Shall we leave big brother to take care of this now, dear?" You nodded and turned on your heel, your mother catching up to you.

"That brute? He can't be here already, stop bluffing" he exclaimed reaching out to both of you. But a large hand took hold of his arm first in a rather bone-shattering crush.

"Привет, don't touch my precious family."


"Ohhhh burn~~...You messed with the wrong family, buddy." You chuckled after hearing Bob's comment. You also heard a snap but it was probably a twig.


You were sitting at home, polishing your rifle when the home phone rang. You picked it up, seeing a strange name in the caller ID.

"Williams household"

"Is Matthew there? I need to talk to him." A clear woman's voice could be heard.

"Well, this is Y/n, his daughter. Can I keep a message?" You asked her. Suddenly you heard her sniffle.

"Y-Y/n? Oh my goodness! I'm m/n. I'm your mother!" She exclaimed, and you were pretty sure she was crying.

At that moment, your dad came in, stomping the snow off his boots because it was February, which meant 2+ feet of snow! Ah, wonderful winter.

"Who's on the phone?" He asked you, taking off his coat, tuque and gloves.

"A woman named M/n who claims to be my mother?" You said, half questioning him. The look on his face was basically 'Give me the phone now or you're grounded'. So of course, you passed it to him.

He took the phone and his voice immediately went from cheery to frustrated and irritated. You weren't even sure if it was still French was he was saying anymore. He angrily hung up the phone. "I don't want you to meet her. She was nice and all, but she used a lot of people in unimaginable ways. I don't want her to do that to you." He said, before heading to place more wood in the fireplace.

A few hours later, while your dad was away, a strange woman showed up at the door with the brightest smile you had ever seen. When she caught sight of you, she gave you a bear hug.

"Who are you and why are you touching me?!" You kinda freaked and exclaimed. You were starting to sound like Kiku when someone touches him.

"Im M/n. You must be Y/n!" She said, pulling away slightly. "It's nice to finally meet my beautiful daughter. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you" She tried explaining, still hugging you close. "I was hoping to try again..."

You felt her arm move in a strange way and you pushed her off of you. "Not a chance. Get out." You sternly told her. She looked at you with saddened eyes and left. She turned back to you and hoped for you to say otherwise. You just looked at her blankly and pointed to her car. She looked down in shame and left.

But in the back of your mind, you wished to imagine how differently you'd be if you had grown up with a mother but you absolutely loved your life this way. Caring father, great uncle and a fun 'aunt?'. You liked thinking of Mia as your aunt.


(I wonder why these are never really long...)

Today, you were out with your father doing some shopping. But you couldn't shake this odd feeling. It was as if someone had been watching you, but every time you turned around, it would be the usual crowd talking. Never the same person though.

You started to get fidgety and nervous, even zoning out at times. You didn't even feel when you walked into your dad. He ended up stopping at a cafe and made you sit. "I will be right back." You dad told you, gone to go get your usual drink.

You smiled and took a deep breath. Everything seemed to just melt away your tension. That is, till you felt a dull pain in your side. You looked down to see a small blade in your side, and a large spot of red appear. 

You looked up to see a woman in front of you, a sinister smile on her face 

"I told your father to watch out for you. And it only took me an instance. Im M/n. Mommy says goodnight, darling" She said, emphasising the final word. She turned on her heel and left with a chuckle.

You, having a knife in the side, fell over and coughed up blood. It, of course caught the attention of people and your father came running to your side. 

You soon heard an ambulance being called and your dad watched with anger, M/n across the street faking a scared look. Before she left the premises, all she did was mouth "I told you so"


You were out with Emil and Lukas, buying butter and stuff. They didn't drag you along, if anything, you ran out of the house after them because Tino had gone crazy. 


You had just finished your breakfast with Emil. You woke up before everyone else that morning. One by one, everyone else woke up, made their coffee. Lukas had finished the remaining coffee that was present in the house and Tino had yet to make his yet.

You went to brush your hair and you heard a gun get loaded. Then you heard shouting in the kitchen. You hurriedly finished and noticed that Tino had an evil look on his face when you poked your head into the kitchen.

Lukas and Emil were rushing to put their shoes and grab their coats to run to the store for more, just to escape the terror of the Finnish sniper. The minute the door closed, you ran out after them to also escape said disaster while your dad and Berwald took care of it.

You noticed that they were gonna use the motorcycle instead of the car so you quickly grabbed a helmet and hopped on. That left Lukas with the mini side-car attached to it. Emil was driving it because he actually owned the thing.

End of the flashback

You were now at the supermarket getting loads of coffee and receiving a lot of texts from your dad saying 'hurry up before we see death.' You chuckled and put your phone away. Thank goodness that the place was mostly empty. You finally arrived at the checkout. "Hey Emil, Lukas. Haven't seen you both in a while." the woman started conversation. "You both haven't aged a day since I last saw you"

"We age well, M/n."Lukas answered back. 

"Anything new? I mean, apart from the cute lady behind Emil. Is she your girlfriend?" She asked, motioning to you.

"No! I'm just a close friend!" You said quickly.

"I'm just kidding dear. What's your name?" She asked, earning a small almost unnoticeable laugh from Lukas. 

"Y/n." You answered back. Her facial expression went into a slightly confused look.

"Your father wouldn't happen to be Matthias, would he?" She asked, seeming very interested.

"Uh yeah...Why?" You answered, kinda confused on the sudden interest.

"Y/n, I think it's time I told you. M/n is your father's ex-fiancee. Also your mother." Lukas informed you. She smiled to you in response to your now extremely confused face.

"You've grown up to be so beautiful and tall (pretend you are). Can I at least have a hug?" She asked, opening her arms. You gave her hug and you could feel the love come off her. "Tell Matthias I said hi and that he's done a great job raising you. Can you do that for me?" She asked you, breaking the hug. You told her you would and you all left.

"Damn, that was unexpected. How are you feeling Y/n?" Emil asked you, handing you your helmet. 

"She seemed pretty nice. I hope I see her again." You told him, pushing him into the motorcycle.

"Now that it's been mentioned, you both look cute together" Lukas said, smiling teasingly from the side-car. 

"Shut up!" Lukas chuckled and Emil was a burning tomato. You on the other hand, were half cramped and almost fell off the motorcycle from laughing.

You later arrived home to see that Matthias had built a Lego fort and was pitching golf balls at Tino and Berwald was hiding behind his hand-made table with his own golf-ball gun. (Remember those from the mini drunk chapters :D )

You threw the pot of coffee at Tino and he finally calmed down. 


You were in town with Antonio for once. You had travelled to Spain with your dad and uncle for business but Antonio somehow ran out of tomatoes. The only thought was 'You own acres of tomato garden. How do you run out...'

When he arrived at the tomato stand, you could hear an angry lady complaining and screaming barely 5 meters away. You really wanted to tell her something but Antonio placed his hand on your mouth. "Don't say anything"  He whispered sternly. He sounded serious so you listened.

But it didn't help the case that the woman was getting louder and louder. And when she stomped angrily away, she walked right into you.

When you got up, you started angrily talking to her in Italian, sounding a lot like your father. Antonio was trying to shush you but his efforts were in vain.

"Who are you to speak to me like this? Antonio?! Who is this rude little thing?" The woman yelled at Antonio. 

"You don't recognise the temper and the Italian? I'd say I'm not surprised." He retorted. "After all, you dropped her off at my home." He added, hoping for her to realise.

"Oh? I dropped off this thing at your house? That means her name is....I always forget it." She claimed, looking at you with an uninviting smile.

"I've heard enough stories about this vile woman Antonio. Can we go just finish and leave?" You asked him. You really didn't like this lady.

"Just pick the nicest tomatoes and we'll leave. I'll deal with...her." He said in disgust. He proceeded to argue with the disgusting mess while you inspected the tomatoes, and apologised to the seller.

"If I had raised the thing, It'd have manners at least. Too bad she was raised by that ex of mine with absolutely nothing to give." She said, you about to burst on how she was talking about your dad. 

"I mean, have you looked at him? Childish looking thing." She finished. You payed for the tomatoes, put them in Antonio's arms. 

You grabbed the woman by the collar since you were taller, and you got really close to her face, face red in anger.

"Talk badly all you want about me, but you say anything horrible about my father, and I promise you, those disgusting vocal cords of yours are going straight up your a** and you'll be having a hefty hospital bill and some special people after you till you die." You threatened her. "And if I ever see you anywhere near my family, you won't survive" You finished. 

By then, the woman was visibly shaken and paler than you'd ever thought. Antonio was now hugging the tomatoes and being his cheery self. 

"Get out of my face now." You spat at her, making her leave the premises quickly.

"Wow. I haven't seen a girl do that to her mother in....EVER!  That was amazing." The tomato vendor said. "Thanks for getting her away. Have these as extras. She was ruining potential business." 

So in the end, you ended up with more tomatoes, a happy feeling and an interesting story for dad.


(So this scenario will be a bit different then the rest, because your mom is...dead, you'll meet a relative.)

You were sitting in the grass, relaxing in the shade with Yong Soo and Leon. "IT's so hottttt" Leon moaned out, completely exhausted from the heat.

"No duh, Captain Obvious" You retorted, drinking water. He stuck his tongue out at you and went back to laying down.

"Where's Mei and Kiku?! They said they'd be back soon!!" Yong Soo flailed his arms, then put you in a headlock. 

"No, No, too hot, Yong Soo! Let go!" You quickly said, trying to get him to let you go. He huffed and obeyed. You finally caught sight of Mei and Kiku and they were talking to a stranger. You ran up to them and stood beside them. It was basically, let-me-butt-in-to-this-conversation.

"I think Yao would be under one the trees relaxing. I can send Y/n to get him" Mei offered.

"Why do you need my dad?" You asked the stranger. He looked intently at you.

"Y/n, this is your uncle on your mother's side, his name is u/n (uncle's name)."Kiku told you. 

"Oh okay! Follow me!" You told him as you jogged over to your father. "Dad, This person wishes to talk to you." You told him, pointing to said uncle. He removed his sunglasses to get a better view of him. 

"U/n, if it's another one of those family reunions, I do not wish to go. It is rather....uncomfortable." He said, looking away. 

"They wish to meet their grand-daughter. And I can't just tell them you don't want to." U/n claimed. "You have to see them again. They haven't seen you for the last 17 years."

"Fine! But we won't stay long, aru." He finally agreed.

So, to say the least, you got to learn more about u/n, then you met your other uncle and aunt, your cousins, your grandparents and your great grandma. Plus that one awkward cousin that wouldn't stop asking you to fight him in a martial arts battle.

Nonetheless, your dad felt incredibly uncomfortable with his in-laws. But great-grandma is forcing him to visit more so you'll be seeing these odd people more.


I hope you guys liked that. 

If you want to request a certain scenario just comment or PM me. I'd be glad to do it! 

On another note, I might be taking a small break from Wattpad because of personal and school problems but I will try to post once every two weeks.

I probably Ill be working on some chapters but I probably won't publish them so fire away with suggestions. I still read all my comments!

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