You see your Nyo!Parent for the first time

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Let's meet the nyo parents!



During a world meeting, the Magic Trio got a bit out of hand and accidentally turned all the countries into their Nyo!Selves. Unable to undo it, they're forced to go home in their present condition and wait till they figure it out....



You were completely shook. You came home to find 2 very tall men and a tall women in the living room, along with 3 younger girls.

"Who are you people..." You mumbled.

"We magically swapped genders. All of us." The taller of the 2 men said. You recognised the accent. "Aunt Yekaterina?" You gawked. She must be as tall as Ivan, if not taller.

"Yes!" She said, all smiley. You looked at your mom- or now dad and he did not look very happy. He looked very intimidating.

"So going off of looks....The tall women is Uncle Ivan, The brunette with the braid is Tolys, the blonde with the glasses is Eduard and the short blonde in a pretty dress is Raivis. Correct?" You wondered.

"Yep! What do you think of your mo-Dad like this?" Your now uncle asked you. "I think....He looks a lot like Ivan and he looks pretty cool" you said silently, making your father smile.

"Oh, when were like this call us by our Women and Male names please." Tolys said, making you confused.







Everyone took their turns saying their opposite names. The only thought that came was 'Oh god...'


You came home and saw a woman chopping wood near the drive way. When she turned around, you mumbled 'I knew it. All of Dad's relatives look like him...'

"Welcome home sweetie." she said, coming to you. You had a confused face when the door suddenly slammed open.

"Hey Dudette! come inside!" A busty woman in short shorts and a top that barely covered her upper body yelled. 'How many relatives does dad have....'

You went inside to see the busty woman leaning against the fridge drinking a beer, a Hispanic man eating a taco happily while humming and this woman with really long pigtails and a shy aura around her.

"what's going on..." You mumbled.

"We were genderswapped! Isn't it great!" You guess it was Alfred by the accent and the loudness.

"Oh ok." You said, grabbing maple candies, and going up to your room.

"She's fine with it?" Alfred asked, kinda confused.

"She's seen weirder in the house before." Your dad or now mom mentioned making everyone wonder what the fuck he was talking about.


You were honestly not surprised when you came home to see a tall blonde woman dancing in the kitchen with a extremely tsundere woman in her arms. 'Great. My dad hired lesbians...' You thought, setting down your books for homework.

"How was your day at school, Y/n?" The blond with a bun in her hair asked you.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" You asked her, picking up your sharp pencil and pointing it at her like it was a knife.

"I am pap-I mean maman now." She said, twirling in her dress. You rolled your eyes and looked at the other woman, she had long twin tails and the greenest eyes you had ever seen. You seemed to remember someone with those eyes.

"That is Arthur. It seems he lost a few eyebrows. That is why you don't recognise him. Call her Alice." She told you, pointing to the single eyebrows above her bright emerald eyes. the woman sighed and told you what happened. But so that no hint of magic came out or being a nation came out.

"Aye....This is too complicated. Wake me up when you become a man again."

"But now I can take you bra shopping without the weird looks!"

"True that. Let's go." You said, headed for the door.

"D-don't bring me too!" Arthur or Alice exclaimed when your mom pulled her arm.


You woke up late in the afternoon and thought one thing. 'I think I should be expecting something weird today....I just feel it.' You were absolutely convinced. You got dressed and opened your door and noticed a tall blond woman in front of you. A stoic expression.

"C'me down pleas'."She said softly.

'Berwald!? ' Was the only thing that ran through your mind. Upon getting to the bottom of the stairs, you noticed a long haired blond dressed in dark blue run after another blond haired woman dressed in black and red, who was very loud.

" Stop running in the house!" You heard a familiar accent. You looked at where it came from. It was the outfit that gave it away.

"E-Emil!? What happened?" You asked, completely just shocked from this.

"Matthias messed with my brother's spell and turned us all into girls!" He whined. Magic was almost a daily occurrence in your house. With Lukas and his friends, anything could happen. "Now help me catch them! They're really fast." He/she complained. You reluctantly agreed.

Berwald and Tino weren't a problem to catch. It was Lukas and Matthias because they were chasing each other. But you ended up tying them up and making them sit on the floor.

"Lukas, you can turn them back right?" You asked him, giving him his spell book back.

"It'll take a few hours. Every spell I make adds another page. And as you can see, there's quite a few I need to check." He told you, already starting to flip through the thousands of pages.

A few hours later, you heard a loud blood-curling shriek right before going to bed. You realised it was your 'dad' and smiled. 'Feel the pain~~~" You smiled as you drifted off to sleep, knowing exactly what happened.

(if confused on the ending, refer back to the period chapter. just the mention should clue you in)


You already knew Feliciano was home because you heard a high pitch 'PASTAAAAA' come from instead. But you were not expecting a busty Feliciano wearing a woman's military outfit. Then followed a Japanese female in a hakama and a tall blonde German female trying to catch Feliciano.

Just watching everything, was a darker haired and slightly tanned Italian woman and a Spanish woman trying to hug her.

'They....All switched genders?' Is all you could muster up to think.

"Now this is way to much. Dad- Or mom now, I'm headed over to Tim and Emma's for a while." You shouted, leaving quickly.

The two were in a hotel for the week because they had business with your dad and uncle. It was shocking when you realised Tim and Emma had also switched genders. You had them explain it all to you since it would make no sense coming out of your dad or uncle.


It was interesting to see many females in the house. Then someone called Anya showed up and it got even weirder. So you ended up getting them all around the diner table with some food and asked the all what happened.

" all got turned into your opposite genders..?"You asked them all and they shook all their heads yes. "Soooo...who is who?"You continued.

"I'm mei! But now I'm Feng!" An expressive male with a nice long curl down the face said.

"I'm going to be Lee Ji You!" The korean female exclaimed, jumping up.

"I'll be Ling Chen." Leon said, fixing her hair behind her head. "Does it look cool?" She asked with a wink. You nodded and gave her, her usual headphones.

"Just call me Viet-kun" Liên said, trying to look at his hair, which was now cut short like a boy's hair.

"Very....Original" Kiku hesitantly said, knowing the actual reason she/he said that. "Anyways, I want to be called Sakura. It is very pretty." She said dreamily, almost falling over onto her back.

"Instead of calling me dad, just call me mom." Your 'mom' said, laughing a bit. "And by the way, that's Ivan." She pointed to the Russian woman sitting down, who just smiled back.

"Eh okay." Is all you said at the end.

"Now can someone explain to me why I'm bleeding and I can find no cut?" Kiku/Sakura asked. Leon, Liên, Mei and I just blank stared at her.

"Alright men-who-are-now-ladies, lesson time on your new bodies!" Your mom said getting up and smiling like a demon.


This is part 1 of two. I hope you guys like this :)

Sorry the Romano scenario is really short. But I promise that you will love the second part.

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