Your parent finds out about your boyfriend pt.1

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I put Pt 1 because im making the scenarios somewhat long so I'll put half of them in and the other half in the next



"Where is my daughter Lithuania?" Belarus had cornered Lithuania in his room after finding out that you had gone out without permission. Much less telling anyone. But she found out that Lithuania knew. "Don't hurt me!" He cried out. He was hoping for anyone but Belarus or Russia. The door opened and in came familiar bright blue eyes and blonde hair.

"Ah, Belarus, Lithuania. What a pleasant surprise." Ukraine's voice came out. Lithuania gave a sigh of relief until Belarus glared back at him. "You aren't off the hook yet. You are telling me where she is!" Belarus threatened.

"Y/N? I let her go see a movie with a friend. I don't recall the name she said..." Ukraine said sweetly. "I gave her permission, thinking it would be okay with you as it is not a school day tomorrow." She finished.

"So... You let her go? I trust you big sister, so I trust she is safe." She put her knife away and turned to the door. She looked Lithuania dead in the eye before leaving. When the clicking of heels were gone, she turned to Lithuania.

"Is that what you wanted me to say?" She asked him, patting his shoulder. "Thank you Ukraine. But how did you know?" He asked, still trying to breath normally. "She never told anyone but me and Poland." He said. "It was a guess. And she is with Poland? That will not end well when Russia learns about this." She sweat-dropped thinking about the expression they would witness.

"I KNEW IT! THAT MAN COULDN'T BE TRUSTED!" A loud yell could be heard from the other side of the door. Both had just realized that Belarus had never left her spot beside the door. 

With you and Poland~~

You and Feliks had just finished the movie and where headed towards the exit till you noticed something from the window across the room. You nudged him and pointed. "What is that?" He looked at it and visibly paled when he realized what it was: a very noticeable threatening aura headed directly towards the theater. Two of them actually.

"That's your mom and your uncle! Run to the fire exit!" He pointed to the opposite direction and you both bolted to avoid getting seen by either of them. You pushed the door open and you both ran towards the center of town till you were both out of breath. "I think... *huff* we lost them!" He said, exhausted from the run. You were half dead on the ground.

"Think again." A voice came from behind them. Feliks turned around and saw Tolys. "She knows your with Y/n. Let's just say she broke the door down instead of opening it like a normal person. I just saw her push a tree out of her way coming down this way. You didn't lose them" He frantically told you guys.

"Why are we just standing here then?!?" You asked them, really nervous. 

"It's too late..." Tolys said, pointing behind them. Both of them were right there.

"You have some explaining to do, Feliks." Ivan said, a creepy look appearing and even slightly scaring you as well as almost making Tolys pee his pants. Ivan dragged Feliks away, mumbling something about a fifth time and him screaming mercy. 

Your mom dragged you away in the opposite direction and finally let you sit on a bench in the park. "Why would you pick him of all people to go out with?" Your mom asked you, finally relaxing beside you.

"He's fun to be around. He's funny, sweet and he's really more comforting than he looks on the outside. Please give him a chance."You pleaded with her.

"There's so much you don't know..." She mumbled, picking your curiosity unwillingly. After thinking for a few seconds and passing her hand in her hair, she told you: "Fine. But if he slips up once! He's done for. We'll all be watching him like a hawk."

You smiled and gave her a bear hug, and she texted Ivan telling him to let go of Feliks. "Whatever happened to Tolys anyways?" You asked her. She shrugged her shoulders and returned your hug.

Meanwhile with Russia and Poland.

"Aww. Partitioning Poland a fifth time would have been so much fun" Russia sighed, looking at the text.

"You aren't being serious, right?" Poland asked him, finally dusting himself off.

"Just fun joking, da?"

"It's not funny!" Lithuania called out to the both of them.


You rebelled. You had kept seeing Beom Seok. And since your dad is a great listener and is always willing to negotiate, you decided to bring him home.

“Dad?” You poked your head through the door to see him sitting on the couch with two people. You walked inside, holding your boyfriend’s hand. “Meet Im beom Seok.” You said, and you introduced him to your dad.

“I know who he is. This is Im Yong Soo, his uncle.” Your dad said, pointing to the man beside him. “And that’s Yao. You already know him. Come sit.” You both sat down and the first thing that happened was Yao getting up and grabbing your boyfriend’s ear.

“Do you have any idea what kind of problems I had to deal with the last few days?! Your dad has been on my ass about you!” He loudly exclaimed, making everyone wince. “Hyung Soo is not happy. He’s extremely upset!”

“Y-Yao, calm down. no need to scream. You’ll scare away Fluffy!” Your dad told him.

“Fluffy?” Yong Soo looked at you slightly confused. You pulled open the curtains to see a large moose walking around your background.

“That’s fluffy. Fluffy the moose.” You slightly laughed.

“Let’s get you home now. Before Alfred shows up and causes even more of a mess.” YOur dad said, Yao agreeing. “I do not want to see that reaction. He does NOT like your dad one bit.” He gulped just thinking about it.

“Call him then. It’s by time I told him either way. Mia already knows.” You told him straight faced. While Mia basically tortured you for the information, you really didn’t know how Alfred would react. “If you won’t, I will.”

Everything was silent as all eyes were on you and your dad to see who would get their way.

“FINE! But if he gets hurt, it’s not on me”  He said, leaving the room and leaving you all there.

“Well, I’m sure my girlfriend misses me so I will just hop on a plane to China right now!” Yong Soo claimed, getting up and leaving the door, Yao quickly started chasing him yelling.


You looked at Beom seok blankly. “How long do you think it will take till they notice they forgot me?” He asked. You put up your hands and did a mini 5 second countdown with your fingers, then they came back in and pulled him in tow, you waving goodbye.

“I will let you date him, but I am grounding you for a few days. No one even needs to open their mouths for alfred to find out about this. I’m warning you about this now.” Your dad said from the kitchen.

“Aww. Okay… Wait, does Grandpa need to know? Because I will tell him.” You asked him

“I don’t think your grandpa will have much of a problem with it. I think he might just fangirl.” You heard your dad slightly laugh in the kitchen.


Your dad had received a call from your canadian niece saying she was in a relationship and he squealed really loudly. He hung up and jumped onto the couch beside you, his face looking like that of a child’s in a candy store.

“Are you in a relationship???? Please tell Papa.” He begged. It was probably the best time to tell him anyways. You shook your head yes and he squealed again. “What is their name???” He asked again with even more curiosity.

“John.” You said quietly, not letting him hear.

“Speak louder ma chère. i cannot hear you.” He told you

“His name is John.” You said a bit louder. His face went blank when he heard the name.

“Tell me he is not British...Anything other than HIS child.” He whispered the last part, not letting you hear.

“He is Arthur’s son. I figured it was the best time now since you asked.” You told him, wanting to leave the room.

“Non. You can’t see him anymore.” Your dad stated, suddenly out of gossipland. “I will not have my daughter date an Englishman.”

You immediately thought of a comeback. “What is it you once said to me and many others? Love isn’t something that you shouldn’t force on others? If I love him, don’t you want me to be happy?”

“Using my own words against me… I will allow it then. But if he hurts you, expect someone to get a moldy baguette down their throat again.” He mumbled, the very last part again. You shivered at the thought of what happened to your ex after he broke up with you a few months back.


Ahh, just in time for Valentine's day. I might just publish 2 or 3 of the Valentine's day scenarios because I doubt I'll have them all done.

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