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After a while, me  and  Springtrap finished making our pancakes.

We both sat down at the table and ate them.

"Who knew that animatronics could make such great tasting pancakes?" I asked.

"Well, we are the best in town!" Springtrap chuckled.

Doing, dong!  We heard the door bell ring.

"Hey, Harry's here!" Deliah exclaimed.

"Cool!" I exclaim too.

Springtrap looked at me with a nervous expression.

"Hey, I got an idea." He said calmly.

"What?" I ask.

"We can play the lazy game." He says.

"Wow! How do you play?" I ask.

"Its simple! Follow me!" He says.

I follow him to a hallway.

"So here's the rules: 1. You have to stay in one place! 2. You cannot move! 3. If you do move you're disqualified. Winner gets pancakes." He explains.

"Cool!" I exclaim.

Springtrap plops onto the floor making a loud clang noise.

I did the same.

Deliah comes in to check on us.

"Oh hey, Deliah! We fell!" Springtrap explained.

"Then get up." She said.

"I'm afraid we can't." Springtrap says.

"Why not?" She asks.

"We're playing the lazy game." I explain.

"Come on guys get up! You're being very childish! " She says again.

"Well, I mean, we are playing a game." I say.

"If you don't get up then I'll drag you both." She threatens.

"Dels I'm a seven foot animatronic made of metal! I'd like to see you try!" Springtrap says.

"Besides what harm are we doing?" I ask.

Deliah grips onto Springtrap's ear and tries to drag him.

"Come on, [Y/N]! Help me! That's your assignment!" Deliah says frustrated.

"Nick specifically told me all I had to do was assist you at school. I can be lazy all I want here!" I explained.

"Keep trying and you may move me a couple inches!" Springtrap teased.

Deliah gave up.

"Fine! But I'm not gonna shoo Harry away!" She said.

I see Springtrap's eyes open as if he had remembered something on his mind.

Springtrap's POV

I opened my eyes wide as I remembered that the only reason why I was playing the lazy game with [Y/N] was because I was worried she would choose Harry, a kid she met yesterday, over me!

Not on my watch!

"Fine! I'll go. But Harry's still coming over!" Deliah said before answering the door.

I watch as [Y/N] stands up.

She starts to walk away but then turns back towards me.

"Well, ya' coming?" She asks.

"Ofcourse." I say.

[Y/N]'s POV

I start to walk as I notice Springtrap still sitting on the floor.

"Ya' coming?" I ask.

"Ofcoarse. He replies.

We walk to see Deliah and Harry sitting the couch.

Springtrap walks next to me as I wave to Harry.

"You remember, [Y/N], right?" Deliah asks Harry.

"Oh yeah, she's your weird animatronic helper, right?" He asks.

"Don't forget my best friend, Springtrap!" I say.

He gives a big smile.

"Where did you even find these two animatronics, Dels?" Harry asks.

"Well, I found Springtrap at the old abandoned Freddy's." Deliah explains.

"And her?" Harry says as he points to me.

"My dad bought her from a store as a helper but I treat her as my best friend as well as Springtrap!" Deliah said.

Harry started to speak as he pointed to Springtrap.

"So you're telling me that you are an animatronic from Freddy's, the restaurant where children were murdered?" He asked.

I looked at Springtrap worried. I didn't know he came from a pizzeria,  especially one where children were murdered?!

"That's it!" He said nervously.

"And you...?" He said pointing to me now.

"You're an animatronic from a store that sold animatronic helpers?" He asked.

I shook my head up and down.

"You know there were rumors that the robots were possessed by the dead kids, are you two dead children?" Harry asks me and Springtrap.

I looked at Harry worriedly. How would Deliah, Hatrry and Springtrap react if I told them that I was a spirit if a dead worker at the store?!

I keep my mouth shut.

"Uhh, Harry! Springtrap doesn't like questions." Deliah said.

"Deliah you can't be a living robot suit and not asked atleast a couple questions." Harry explains.

"Well...?" I start but Harry stops me.

"Maybe we shouldn't trust them Deliah." He says.

"What? That's ridiculous,  if I was hiding something I would have spilled the beans already!" I say. 

"Yeah, why would we be hiding something!? Why does our past matter to you?" Springtrap agrees.

"Right, [Y/N]?" He says.

"Yeah." I say.

Deliah starts to storm on Springtrap.

"Ughh! Springtrap I'm not dealing with this right now!" She says as she and Harry storm off.

I follow them.

Springtrap's POV

I watch as Deliah gets angry at me and starts to storm off but it didn't bother me as much as watching [Y/N] walk along with them.

I follow behind [Y/N] as she follows Harry and Deliah.

What am I feeling? Am I... jealous?!

No, no, no!

I can't be!

[Y/N] is my friend... right?!

[Y/N]'s POV

Harry closes the door on Deliah, not in a rude way just to keep her out for a while as if he was trying to find something.

"Hey, [Y/N], can I talk to you?" Deliah asks me.

"Uhh, sure." I say.

I see Springtrap behind me.

"Hey, I'm going to talk to Deliah!" I say.

"Cool I was just about to talk to Harry as well!" He says.

"Cool, see ya' later!" I wave as I follow Deliah.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask.

"Be careful when around Springtrap in this state." She says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"He can get really angry and really violent." She says.

"Has he got angry or violent with you?" I ask.

She looks down in sadness.

"He has?!" I exclaim.

"Don't worry! It was only one time! And it was completely my fault!" She explained.

"What did he do?" I ask.

"He crushed my arm when I had asked him too many questions. He has really bad anger issues. Atleast with me." She says.

I looked down. Now I think about when I had dropped the plate and if Springtrap was in a bad mood, what would he have done to me?!

"I hope you're not scared of Springtrap are you?" She asked.

I was worried, but not scarred.

"Ofcourse not! I'll be fine!" I say.

Deliah walk back I think of how maybe Springtrap could be a bad guy?

But if he was a bad guy, then why would he be caring for me so much!?

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