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We walk inside the house as we were almost immediately greeted by Nick.

"Hey, honey! How was school?" He asked.

As he set some stuff on the couch he noticed the scar on my head.

"[Y/N]? What happened to your head?" He asked.

He wasn't sounding too concerned but then again, why should he be? I wondered.

"Oh, its nothing, Nick." I say.

"Nothing?!" Deliah shouted.

"She was beat up by bullies." Deliah shouted again which drew Springtrap's attention.

He looked at the three of us talking.

"That's terrible!" Nick said.

"Why weren't you going to tell us?" He asked.

"Well, it really isn't a big deal! Me and Deliah handled it and it was in the past." I say.

Springtrap walks up and immediately notices my scar.

"[Y/N], what happened? Are you alright?!" Springtrap asked.

He seemed a lot more concerned than Nick.

Before I could answer Deliah did for me.

"She was beat up by bullies." Deliah explained.

I look down.

"Here, let's get that cleaned up for you." Springtrap says.

"Here, I'll help too." Nick said.

"No, thanks, I got this Nick." Springtrap says.

"Umm... ok?" He said.

Springtrap grabs my hand as I follow him into the kitchen.

"Stay here, I'll be right back." He says.

I see him rush to the bathroom and he carried a wash rag and a bandage as he rushed back.

"Now, let's see here." He says.

I look at him as he inspects the cut.

"Ok." He says to himself.

He grabs the wet wash rag and grabs my chin as he rubs the wet rag around the cut.

Once he grabs my chin I can't help but blush.

Goodness why does he have to be so handsome!

The phone rings and Deliah comes rushing in.

She picks up the phone.

I can hear her talking to that Harry kid I had met on the bus when I took Deliah to school.

Springtrap realizes that Deliah was talking to a kid named Harry.

He keeps washing around my cut.

"Deliah, who's Harry?" He asks.

"Oh, he's just a cute kid from next door." She replies.

I giggle.

"What that's terrible." He says.

I feel my head burn as Springtrap accidentally moves the wash rag closer to the cut.

"Oww!" I exclaim.

He quickly turns back to me.

"Oh, sorry! Sorry!" He apologized.

"You're fine!" I say in pain.

He finally let go of my chin and grabbed the bandage and placed it on my forehead.

"Well, were done!" Springtrap says.

"Now, why didn't you want to tell me about this?" He asked.

"Well, I thought you would get mad at me." I say.

I drooped my head in sadness.

"Like I said this morning, nothing you can do will make me hate you or hurt you!" He says.

"Thanks!" I say.

"Now, what happened?" He asked.

"It was a couple of girls at school, look it was in the past, I learned not to mess around with those chicks, and now it doesn't matter." I explain.

"Alright, you just definitely need to be more careful next time!" He said.

"Ok, I will." I say.

"Oh, [Y/N], I just remembered that bandage will only heal that scar a small amount. Let's stitch it up for you." He says.

"Ok." I say.

"Will it hurt." I ask.

"Yes but only a little bit." He explained.

He rushes to the bathroom and grabs a needle and thread to cover up my scar.

"Now I need you to hold still. It will pinch a little." He says.

He raises the needle up to my forehead and pushes it it through my skin/fur/metal?.

He continued to to do that until he tied it off.

It was barely visible.

"All done!" He exclaimed.

See? That wasn't so bad? Now was it?" He asks me.

"I guess not." I say.

"Well, we should check and see if Deliah invited that Harry kid over?" I asked.

"Why?" He asked.

"Well, he seems like a cool kid so I wanna hang out with him if Deliah is." I say.

"Oh, ok. I was just figuring that maybe we could make some pancakes." He insists.

"You know what? That sounds like a better idea." I say.

"Phew." I heard Springtrap say aloud.

"What was that?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing! Nothing!" He clears up.

"Oh, ok." I say.

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