Chapter 16 - Stinging Love

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It was five in the morning when you woke up to the ringing of your phone. It wasn't a call, but an alarm.

If you were going to go to the sea you needed to catch an early train to get there. You had already packed everything the night before --- all you had to do now was get changed.

You wore a sundress and did everything you could to keep your hair out of your face. You made some onigiri for the road and packed them away to eat on the way there. Before leaving you snacked on a few treats but you knew Sting had a plan to grab some convenience store bentos for breakfast.

You locked the place up and threw your overnight bag over your shoulder.

You were anxious. You've slept in a hotel with him before but this time was different. You were a nervous wreck back then. Now, all you wanted was Sting. You finally had him after so long. Was this time really going to be different? Only time would tell.

You met at the station. He was sitting on a bench staring at his phone without typing anything. Once he heard you coming, his face lit up. "Hey! You ready to go?"

His happiness made you happy. Excitement was building up in your chest. "Yeah!"

He took your bag and carried it for you. The was the last thing you wanted him to do but he did it anyway. You followed him onto the train and found comfortable seats. You sat across from each other with your bags placed overhead.

From where you were sitting it looked like not that many people were on. If there were going to be more people you were comfortable knowing that you and Sting had this compartment to yourself.

Both you and Sting thought about shutting the curtains but decided to leave them open. If either of you wanted to sleep you'd let each other know and shut the curtains then. For now, Sting gave you your bento and began eating his.

"How did you sleep?" You asked.

He wiped some food from the corner of his mouth and bobbed his head. "Alright. Though I have to admit, I'm not used to waking up so early."

You nodded in agreement. "Me too. The morning is nice but I'm exhausted."

The two of you looked out the window once you felt the train beginning to move. "Maybe we can check in early and get some sleep." He said.

Sting got a hotel room for the night. Neither of you told anyone you were staying out there. There would be too much gossiping and questions. Instead, Sting and you pooled your money together and spent it on the room and food.

It was like a mini vacation on your summer break. The time it took for summer break to come seemed like forever.

The halls were full of rumors about you, Mard, and Sting. Sting wasn't too fond of school before the break either. Studying became annoying to him for a number of reasons and he constantly needed your help. He also has passive aggressive conversations with Dobengal almost every morning and Mard's friends don't exactly make it easy on him either.

They constantly bother you and Sting in the halls. Your only place of solitude was the outdoor hallway where you two ate lunch together. Sometimes you'd have peace and quiet in the school library, but it was difficult to study there when you had eyes on you from all directions.

The only good people around the two of you were Rogue, Rufus, Orga, Lyon, Sherry, and Chelia, and a select few others. It seemed like you were slowly gaining more friends though. Sting didn't like you talking to Natsu but you said hi to him and his friends every once in a while in the lunch room.

Things just seemed to be progressing slowly in those halls. You wanted the year to end already. You weren't in a huge rush to start the third year but at the same time, you were. By that time, Mard and his gang would have graduated and you'd have the summer trip to look forward to.

For now, you'd have to deal with the cards you were dealt.

The trip was calm. It would take a good three hours to get there. After getting ready and boarding the train, that meant the two of you would arrive around nine. You figured you'd save the onigiri for lunch or whenever Sting felt hungry.

That might not be a problem because after the train moved, Sting leaned against the window and zoned out. He seemed to have a bit of trouble with trains. He looked sick but he was doing fine. You moved over to sit next to him and rub his back while he closed his eyes and counted.

He needed distractions away from the movements of the train.

"Distractions... okay! I got it! What's your favorite color?" You were trying your best.

His weak laugh was definitely forced but still sweet. "Dunno, white or gold."

"Okay then... favorite animal?"


"Those don't exist."

"Sure they do."

You continued rubbing his back in soft circular motions. "How about your favorite song?"

"That's too difficult of a question." He wasn't wrong. You weren't even sure of your own favorite song. "We need a song."

You laughed, "What? Like a couple song?"

He sat up, making you remove your hand from his back. Instead, you put your hand on his shoulder and let him lean over onto the window. "Yeah, like a song that plays and we'll say, 'That's our song!' Ya know, that kind of song."

"Huh. I never thought of that before."

"My turn. What's your favorite flavor of gum?"

You laugh a little too loudly and end up getting a few shushes from nearby passengers. The two of you couldn't help but have a quiet laughing fit.

"I don't think I have one. I guess it just depends on how I feel in the moment when I buy a pack."

"And here I thought you were going to say mint."

"Alright, your favorite article of clothing."

"Oh wow."

"Go on."


"You sure are something."


Your trip consisted of small games and numerous questions you'd only ever ask someone if you were bored or in an awkward situation. It was beyond silly, the questions that came out of his mouth, but you enjoyed every second of that train ride.

When you arrived you realized the sea was even more beautiful than you imagined.

It wasn't too far from the station so you just grabbed your bags and headed straight there. It was your first time seeing it so of course, you'd be anxious. It was as big and bright as Sting's eyes. You'd have to use that smooth line on him sometime soon.

You dropped your bags on the shore and kicked off your shoes. Sting rolled up his pants and you thanked your past self for thinking ahead and wearing a dress. You didn't need to do much to stick your feet in the water.

The sand sunk beneath your feet. It was like you were being sucked into the Earth. The waves were stronger than you imagined even though they weren't that big. It was calming until Sting stomped around like a child. He even had the gall to kick water at you.

"You did not." You tried looking mad but you couldn't do it without a grin.

Sting smiled ear to ear with his arms crossed behind his head. He acted like a devious six-year-old.

"You better get ready, Eucliffe." You stepped back, ready to kick water right back at him.

He smirked and mimicked your stance. "Is that a threat, (L/N)?"


Apparently, it gets hella cold if you leave your wet clothes on. Not even Sting's jacket could help. The two of you spent a little too much time playing around in the water -- so much that you got soaked to the bone.

The onigiri came in handy when you both sat out in the sun to dry off. It was a nice snack after a work out like that. You two ate and watched the waves roll back and forth.

"So you're telling me," Sting started. He was trying to figure out how to make onigiri. "You make it into a ball and shape it?"

"Have you never had onigiri?"

He stared at the bitten into onigiri like it was an alien. "No, I've had it, but I've never asked how it was made. I just kind of thought it was some factory stuff."

"I've only made onigiri with my grandmother so I don't know how the premade stuff tastes."

Sting took another bite and spoke with his mouth full. "You never really talk about your grandparents, what are they like?"

Your mood turned hella sour. "Well, I know how to make onigiri only because it's expected of a woman. That's what my grandmother thought at least. Every time I visited that crazy old traditional hag she would tell me to fix something or to be a certain way because it was expected of me. My grandfather is just a crazy old drunk. He's not as bad as he used to be. In fact, he's pretty nice for a drunk."

"What about your mom?" A year ago you'd probably smack Sting for being so straightforward, however, now you expected it and welcomed it. You never got to talk about your mother and now you had the opportunity to do so without having to defend her in bad company.

You looked down at the onigiri, eyes watered and lips curled into a smile. "She was amazing. She was beautiful and kind. I can't remember much of her because I was only with her up to elementary school, but all my best memories come from being with her,"

"She was there for me when I cried on my first day of school and she was there when I was terrified of giant dogs. She protected me from all my fears and told me to ignore the people around me that would only bring me down. Before she sent me off to school every day, she told me to do my best. I don't really have anyone like that anymore."

Sting lied down in the sand but not without grabbing you and bringing you down with him. "What were you like when you were little?"

You rolled your eyes. "How was I when you first met me?"

Sting pretended to be in thought but you both knew the answer, "Short tempered, annoyed all the time, and snotty."

A burst of laughter sounded between you two. "Well, that's what I was like. Before she passed away I was always nice and happy. I guess after so long of being sad you brought my good side out again. Thanks."

Sting snuggled into you. "You're welcome. You brought out my jealous side so I guess we're even."

"Jealousy is not something to be proud of you know."

"Oh, I know. I'm living it."

"What about you?"


"What were you like when you were little?"

Sting closed his eyes. He stayed quiet for so long you thought he accidentally fell asleep. "I was a brat."

"Oh my god." You practically snorted.

"No, I mean it, I was a snotty brat. Real stuck up you know? I followed Natsu constantly in middle school and made friends with Rogue then too, though, Rogue liked to be called Ryos back then."

"He didn't!"

"Yeah, weird right? Anyway, I mostly hung out with my dad when I was smaller. Didn't have a lot of friends in elementary school since I just kind of went around fighting everyone."

You brushed his hair back and watched it fall back into place. "That sounds like you."


When you reached the hotel you both couldn't help but notice the big king-sized bed just sitting there.

Your plan was the drop your stuff there and get changed to swim. There was a beach nearby where people went to enjoy the water. You just knew a ton of people your age would be there since it was summer break. What you were really hoping for was that no one from your school would show up.

"I'm gonna get changed first." Sting said before entering the bathroom.

You decided to stand there and wait because sitting on the bed meant that it was actually there. You were actually going to sleep in this bed with Sting tonight... Suddenly standing close to it made you lightheaded.

You walked over to the porch doors and yanked them open. Inhaling the fresh scent of the sea, you took in the atmosphere and calmed your rapid paced breathing.

Sting emerged from the bathroom not a minute later wearing red swim shorts and nothing else... that was it. His body was strong and toned. His earring was the only other thing he wore and it sparkled it the sun.

You gulped down your anxiety and grabbed your suit out of your bag. You also grabbed a jacket because eff that you weren't revealing sh*t until you were in the water.

"I won't take long." You told him as you slipped in the bathroom. You said that but as soon as you got in you broke down.

You hyperventilated with a fiery red face. You looked at yourself in the mirror and gave yourself the pep talk you needed to get through the day.

"Okay (Y/N). They're just abs. You've seen them before. You've felt his back muscles so there's no reason to freak out! Pussy up and enjoy the sand and surf!"

You kept mumbling senseless words as you got changed. You slipped on your favorite suit and a covered yourself with a hoodie for now. With a day as hot as this, you might have to remove it sooner than you wanted.

When you left the bathroom Sting was sitting on the right side of the bed, looking down at his hands. When he saw you his eyes went wide and a blush flushed across his face.

"R-Ready?" He asked, staring down at his hands again.

You grabbed the towels and some other beach necessities awkwardly and nodded. "Yep."

You headed out, walking at each other's sides until he tapped your hand with his. He carefully grabbed your hand, snaking his fingers in between yours and squeezing tight.

You squeezed back. You felt like a real couple again, only more than you were before. You felt like you could defeat any obstacle in your path -- didn't matter what it was.

With him, you could do anything. You could only hope he felt the same.

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