Chapter 17 - Sting Eucliffe

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Sting POV

She was beautiful. I don't know if I'm ever gonna get over how amazing she is. She accepts everything I am. I've never liked someone so much.

I wonder if she knows just how much I'm head over heels in love with her.

She probably does, then again she might think it's crazy. Honest to God, I don't remember being so possessive and angry before. I was like this when I was little, but after meeting Natsu, I became a smaller pill to swallow.

Even after seeing my jealous and crazy side, she's still here.

The sun was torturous. I could already feel it burning my skin. I should've done what (Y/N) did and grabbed myself a jacket.

She looked unimaginably cute in her hoodie, however, I'd rather her not have it on right now.

I don't want to sound like a pervert, but I wanted to see her in her swimsuit. Maybe I am a pervert. We're sharing a bed so how can I not act a little weird?

I've been thinking about tonight. I said I'd wait for her and I will, but I wonder if she's been thinking about it.

I won't push her and press in the subject... but I won't be entirely against spending the night with her.

Maybe it's just from being away from her for so long. An I touch starved or something?

"Where should we sit?" She asked, taking me away from my ill-mannered thoughts.

I look around and see a bit of open space around near the volleyball court.

I knew there would be a ton of people here. It's no wonder with summer break being here. There were groups of teens, families with their kids, and those hella sporty people showing off. Exactly what you would imagine for a day at the beach.

"How about there?" I pointed to the area between the waves and volleyball court. There were only a few families there, plus everywhere else had perverted teens. I wanted (Y/N) all to myself today.

She smiles and starts walking over, still holding my hand even though we both knew it was getting hot and sweaty.

That's true love right there. No girl I know would keep holding my hand after it became sweaty. If she were any other girl I might've let go too.

When we got there she laid the towels down next to each other and dropped her stuff down. She came prepared, as always, and all I had were my shoes and shorts.

She sat down so I did the same. After she handed me a sweaty water bottle she took out the sunscreen from her jacket. I don't remember her grabbing it. Then again there was a lot I didn't remember in the heat of that moment.

She squirted some on her hands and smiled at me. "Alright. Turn around."

I did as she said and scooted to face the other way.

Her touch was hot but the sunscreen was cold. It was a great mix to make me feel nervous.

She rubbed around like she was worried she'd hurt me. It was cute. She must've been just as nervous as I was.

Once she reached everywhere on my back she said, "Okay, you should be good." And handed me the sunscreen to do the rest myself.

I wanted to mess with her a little. "You won't finish it for me?"

Her face was either red from the sun or red from embarrassment. Both were a dangerous mixture.

"... okay."

She took the bottle from me and squirted more sunscreen on her hand. She rubbed it together before reaching out to me with shaking fingers.

I watched patiently as she started rubbing sunscreen on my shoulders and moved her way down my arms. She was avoiding my chest.

When she couldn't avoid it any longer she paused, "Are you sure?"

I nodded because I couldn't say a word without my voice cracking.

She breathed in and out before finally putting sunscreen on my chest. If she was paying any attention, she'd notice my heart drumming against my chest. I could feel my heart's thumps in my throat.

She must've felt it because she paused with her hand over my heart. It only took a second before she kept going.

I was going to repay her big time.

"Done." She handed me the bottle to do my legs.

I smirked and finished off my legs so she wouldn't have to.

This next part was gonna be interesting. "Your turn."

Her gaze was set on the ground but to my surprise, she agreed.

She dipped her head and started unzipping her hoodie. I could really feel my heart in my throat now.

I watched every second of her unzipping her hoodie until it unlatched at the bottom. She turned around and dropped the jacket to her elbows. She was torturing me.

It was almost impossible not to kiss the back of her neck. I wasn't going to, but that didn't mean I wasn't gonna do it later.

"Go ahead." She told me.

I went right on ahead. I started with her shoulders and arms, making my way up and down till my hands met at her neck. They slid down her back where she jerked and apologized like the angel she was.

She wasn't prepared for me to touch her hips, that's for sure. She flinched and arched her back, trying to get away from me without being rude.

I might have to sleep on the floor tonight.


I bought a blue inflatable tube to cover her body as she swam.

As soon as she took off her hoodie I noticed the nearby stares. She didn't because she was so naive and sweet. She did seem to be frustrated with girls nearby.

We couldn't seem to focused on each other like we wanted.

I bought the tube at a nearby shop and made sure she kept it with her 24/7. I was such a pushy boyfriend that I kept hanging off of the tube and kissing her.

She just giggled and tapped my forehead. "You're crazy, you know that?"

I pouted and sunk myself under the water. She laughed and pulled me back up to kiss the place she tapped. "I mean it, you're being crazy. Don't worry okay?"

I won't. I've gotta listen to her and stop worrying. "You're right. I'm sorry I'm just frustrated."

She shook her head. "You shouldn't be. I'm not too happy about the stares you're getting either but, for the sake of the trip, I'm gonna suck it up and ignore everyone but you."

She always found a way to surprise me. "You're the best, (Y/N)."

She pet my hair and used the power of the water to style my hair out of my face. She slicked it back enough that I probably looked like a mobster.

"There, now you look all fancy." She grinned.

I was grabbing little cups of water in my palm and pouring them on her shoulders. She already looked burnt. I guess we should've waited longer before getting in the water.

"Did you want to do something tonight?" She asked, yanking my attention away from her shoulders.

What did she mean by something?

I gulped. "Like what?"

She shrugged, looking out at the ocean. "Like go eat dinner somewhere, maybe see a movie?"

Oh, thank god. I almost lost my mind. "Yeah, we could go grab dinner."

Her cheeks had that pink tint I always loved seeing. "Okay."

Does she think about the things I do? I doubt it. According to my dad women mature faster than guys do, so she's probably not even thinking about the naughty stuff I am.

I know for sure the majority of boys on this beach shore were thinking what I was.

Jeez, I need to stop.

I smirked. "Have you ever played the color game?"


The ramen shop we went to was cute I guess. That's what (Y/N) said it was. I tried so hard not to eat more than five bowls but I couldn't. The gentleman me would have to wait for some other night.

Even if it wasn't gentlemanly, (Y/N) laughed adorably and tried to match my eating habits, which failed miserably.

The beach may have been a stare-fest, but dinner was the best alone time we could've gotten. There were other couples and families just doing their own thing.

It felt good to put my arm on her chair and have her feed me food from her bowl. I almost felt like an adult.

That time couldn't come fast enough.

I couldn't wait to finish school and start work. Whether or not I was going to a university was beyond me.

When we finished eating we went back up to the room. We took showers before we went out for dinner so all that was left was to sit back and relax.

I suggested a movie which (Y/N) agreed to but only with snacks.

So I was at the nearest convenient store buying treats while she tidied up the room.

Every second on the clock brought me more anxiety. I don't know if I'm even gonna be able to sleep tonight.

I returned with chocolate, candy, and all kinds of treats we didn't need but wanted anyway.

(Y/N) was on the porch overlooking the sea in her pajamas. I dropped the treats on the bed and followed her out. I stood at her side and looked at the teenagers with glowsticks partying on the beach not too far from us. That actually looked like a lot of fun.

I stared at the guys trying to throw their friend into the water and I accidentally laughed out loud. It reminded me of a party I went to a few years back where Natsu threw a naked Gray Fullbuster into someone's family pool.

(Y/N) giggled along but she sounded distracted.

I wanted to ask what she was thinking. I decided to leave it alone for now since she's probably just tired.

"Hey Sting..."

Her head was turned down, her eyes hidden but focused on her twiddling fingers.

"I think I want to try it..." She mumbled.

I was confused. Try what?


She hid her face in her hands and groaned. She crossed her arms on the rail and set her head on them. Her eyes peeked through her hair and through her soft and beautiful (H/C) hair I could see her flushed cheeks.

She mumbled, "I want to spend the night with you..."

My eyes widen and I almost trip over myself. "Wait like--"

She nodded.

... oh my god.

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