Chapter 1

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"Ugggghhhh... Juvia will you hurry up and disable the alarm system", Lucy loudly whispered in Juvia's ear "Well Lucy disabling one of the biggest buisness companies alarm system isn't a piece of cake" Juvia whispered back. The girls are currently in the middle of a mission to find a missing buisness man. "Stop screaming at each other and we are on a mission so use your code names before we get caught", Erza said giving the two a death glare, "sorry Erza", Lucy and Juvia said in unison. "Anyway i'm done with the alarm so we may enter", Juvia said in a bored tone. " OK let's go"Erza said running into the building and the rest following." Wait we need a plan first", Lucy acknowledged. After explaining the plan to Erza and Juvia many, many, many times they finally continued with their mission, Lucy checked the second floor for anything while Juvia was on the third and Erza knocked out every security guard she saw. "This is way too easy" Erza sighed while swinging around her nunchucks.

Lucy pov
This is taking forever this floor is literally empty nothing here but offices and paperwork "that's it I change my mind I'm gonna be a doctor when I grow up not a businesswoman" I mumbled to myself. There was only one last place I could possibly check to see if the buisnessman is their but I'm regretting ever axcepting this mission "Why me!!!!" I whined uncontrollably as I entered the men's restroom. 'It stinks in here' I thought "hello Mr buisnessman are you here please answer me if your here because this place stinks and it's gonna make my nose fall off" I practically screamed but I know no one can hear me because Erza knocked the security guards out
'I wouldn't blame him if he couldn't hear me because he must be knocked out, I don't think anything could survive this stink' I thought. There's nobody here so I legged it out of that restroom but made sure I sprayed it with some amazing perfume before I left. While I ran down the hallway I bumped into Juvia " a
Oof... Juv- I mean Aqua aren't you supposed to be on the third floor" " yeah I'm done checking but I found nothing " she sighed. "We should look for Erza" I suggested "yeah" she agreed. We ran to the elevator and took it down to the third floor, Once the door opened we were greeted with knocked out security guards " I'm guessing Erza had fun" Juvia said, I just nodded in agreement "hey guys did you find the buisnessman" Erza screamed while running up to us. "No" we sighed. "That's not good that means there might be a chance they already killed him" Erza said disappointed. "If I wanted to hide a body where I know for sure no one would find it where would I put it" I mumbled trying to think " maybe we should check again upstairs" Juvia said.

We all went into the elevator and clicked on the third floor so that we could check the bathroom because Juvia didn't check it because it stinks "Hey guys the elevator is saying that there are 4 people on this lift"Juvia pointed out "wait but there's only three of us" I muttered. Erza looked up to the roof of the elevator and screamed " Stop the elevator", and of course we did what we were told, she climbed in to Juvia's back and cut a hole through the roof of the elevator and climbed through it "hey guys I found our missing man" she said in a monotoned voice." Great is he alive" Juvia and I said in unison. There was a long pause.....................

"Yes he's alive he's just tied up and out cold but I think he has a broken leg" she replied I wiped off imaginary sweat off my forehead "OK then let's bring him back to headquarters" Juvia said

Time skip at headquarters

Juvia's pov

"The businessman is going to be fine he only spraint his ankle he didn't brake his leg so you can stop worrying he'll be out of the hospital in no time" the doctor explained "thank goodness" I said.

(a/n: just in case you want to know what the doctor looks like💖)

"Here have a lollipop" the doctor smiled as he handed me a lollipop "thank you" I replied politely while smiling back.

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