Chapter 2

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Erza's POV

I made it home finally, all I want to do is lay down on my soft comfy bed. Since I came into my house through my bedroom window to feel much more like a spy, because you never know when im gonna get fired, like when I thought I'd get fired for ACCIDENTALLY blowing up a fraction of area 51, well at least I apologised they should be happy no one died or was injured but instead they were giving out to me for killing like three aliens.
Anyway I think I should go to sleep because I am as tired as an old worn out shoe. I jumped on to my soft, comfy, Teddy infested bed and closed my eyes.
Then something unexpected happened my ear-piercing alarm clock rung and startled me I fell of my bed on to the cold wooden floor." Ooooooouuuuuucccchhhh..... That hurt" I groaned as I got up and turned off my alarm as I was doing that I checked the time it was 5:30am, so I threw a minor tantrum which also led to the breaking of my alarm clock." Guess I should get ready then and make sure the others get ready to for the first day of school" I mummered so I texted them:

(Lucy, Juvia, Erza )




Well are you guys coming to school today



Lucy why not!!!????

Because I just got home from a long mission and I need sleep to live and I don't need school I'm already epically smart.

Lucy I heard there were gonna be new students joining the class three boys. They might be hot so you better come in to school.

What excuse are you gonna make up??

As much as I'd love to see the noobies, I'm too tired to go to school so I'll call on sick saying I have hay fever or a cold or something 😴😴

Lucy go ahead but you should know that whatever you tell the teachers your sickness is juvia and I will deny it and say your faking 😏😏😏

You wouldn't 😲😲!!!!!

We would so you better be at school today bye
(Juvia has logged out)

Bye Lucy see you at school😃!!

( Erza Has logged out )

I logged out of our group chat and walked into to the bathroom to get ready for school as soon as I was dressed and ready for school I ran down stairs for some breakfast.

(Erza's outfit )

I brought some strawberry cake for lunch because they only sell chocolate in the cafeteria, it's horrific if they're not gonna sell strawberry cake they shouldn't sell cake at all. I left my home after feeding my pet dog Frosty he's a husky puppy and adorable AI found him on the street s five months ago so I took care of him. I met up with Juvia and Lucy at our usual spot at a park it's a shortcut we take to school. After reading a very cranky lucy and admiring each other's outfits we set off to school.

(Lucy's outfit)

(Juvia's outfit )
We made to school and went straight to homeroom and say down be side each other and I started a conversation.

Juvia POV

"So Lucy are you still mad at us for you know not letting you skip school" Erza smiled awkwardly, "no Erza I'm not mad I just have a scowl on my face for decoration" Lucy said sarcastically. I just giggled at how ridiculous they looked. We just watched everyone Walk into the class squealing and whispering about the new students. Then our homeroom teacher walked in Mr Clive. Mr Clive is the most layed back teacher ever and his daughter Cana is one of our closest friends. "OK class settle down, so there are gonna be some new students in our class, please make sure to make them feel welcome", he announced with a big smile on his face then nodded at the door, where three boys entered and a squealing marathon began. You could hear all the girls screaming

"They're so hot"
"Marry me"
"I think I'm gonna faint"
Mr Clive told the class to "shut up or he'll transfer them to a different class" the class went silent. "OK. You can introduce yourselves now." Mr Clive sat down in his chair rubbing his temples.
"Thanks. Hi my name is Natsu Dragneel nice to meet you", he put on a really goofy grin on his face that made every girls heart melt.
"I'm Gray Fullbuster", the next one with raven hair said in a very bored tone, but every girl still squealed quietly though.
" And I'm Jellal Fernandes it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance" the boy with a tattoo and blue hair said while smiling and they all squealed again but this time a bit louder because they couldn't hold in there excitement. " OK so pinky you can sit over there beside Lucy" Lucy who was in front of me pit up her hand so he'd know who she was he smiled at her as he sat down. Lucy was sitting in front of me and Erza in front of her in the first row. "Excuse me Mr Clive but it's not pink it's salmon" Natsu replied with a bit of sass. "Shut up and sit down or I'll give you detention because I have a headache and your annoying voice is making it worse" Mr Clive yelled at pin- I mean Natsu. He sat down as soon as Mr Clive finished." OK, Fullbuster you sit beside juvia and Fernandes beside Scarlet" Erza and I put up our hand and they sat down beside us. "So class I'm gonna take a nap to get rid of this headache so you can get to know each other or what ever you kids do these days" Mr Clive said as he fell asleep and everyone started talking. Lucy turned around to me and smiled and said "hey Juvia, Erza said would you like to come over to her place after school" I smiled back and before i could even reply pinky interrupted me, "i'd love to come over to your house red" he smiled at Erza. "I never invited you its only Lucy and Juvia" Erza said." Aww c'mon It would be fun with me there!" He exclaimed. " Natsu she just met you. And you and Gray can come over to my place my parents aren't home and I don't wanna be bored at home alone" Jellal smiled. " Yay!! Thanks Jellal I love your place your kitchen is huge with lots and lots of spicy chicken" Natsu drooled over the thought of chicken. "How about you Gray are you coming", Jellal looked at a bored Gray." Sure why not" he smiled then the bell rings Causing Mr Clive to fall of the chair he was sitting on. "Class dismissed", he groaned on the ground. So we packed up and left for our next class. First we stopped at our lockers which were right next to each others." So Erza what are you thinking we should do at you place" I asked excited," We could bake because I just got new neighbours and my mom said it would be nice to do something for them to make them feel welcome, she told me to do it because she is going on a business trip to New York so she wont be back for another 2 weeks." she replied." Wait so do you know who your new neighbours are gonna be" Lucy questioned. "No I actually dont know who my new neighbours are but I saw a little girl with blue hair around the same age as Romeo Mr. Conbolt's son" we gathered all our books and walked to our next class, Science.

Natsu Pov

" So, Jellal what are we gonna do at your place" I asked smiling, "Well I just moved houses and I wanted you guys to know where I live and there is a park near by with a football pitch and basketball court maybe we could play a few games" he answered. I thought about how great it would feel to beat those two at a game of basketball. "I'm in!!" Gray and I screamed In unison, "OK we'll meet at the gate in front of the school" he said casually. I wonder why Jellal is always calm he never gets angry or anything like that he's always happy. "Hey flame brain c'mon we're gonna be late." That nickname ticks me off whenever I hear it. "Oh you wanna go ice princess" I retaliated.

Thanks for reading hope you all have an amazing summer and I'll try and update more often

©Ft1 out

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