Chapter 1: The New Kid

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It's a new day at Kuoh Academy. And in Issea's class, a teacher has an announcement to make.

"Okay class! We have a new student coming. He said he hasn't started at the same time as you all is because he had family complications come up before he could start. But that's over and he's here. Come in."

The door slides open, and a boy steps through. Several of the males curse under their breath, while the females swoon at the sight of the handsome male. His (e/c) sweep lazily across the room.

"Sup. The names (Y/n). (Y/n) Harlequin. I hope we get along."

"He's so hot!"

"Damn it! Another Prince Charming!"

"Pipe down! Anyways, Harlequin, you'll be sitting next to Ms. Gremory. Raise your hand please."

The red headed Queen of Kuoh raises her hand, and the boy sits down next to her.

"Ok class, we have a test today. Hope you studied."

A loud groan ripples through the class. Student stake out their pens and take the papers as the teacher passes out them out.

"You may begin."

The student start to write down their answers. As the class nears its end, some students notice that the new guy has fallen asleep.

"Hey teach!"


"The new guys asleep!"



"*sigh* Just grab his test and see what he's done."

The student pulls the paper from beneath the sleeping main character.

"Wow, he filled it all out!"

"Please hand it to me. I must go over it."

The student hands the teacher the test. And the teacher's eyes bulge form his sockets.

"H-his answers are all correct. This kid finished the test faster than anyone I've ever seen."

A yawn disrupts the conversation. The young (Y/n) stretches, yawns and looks around.

"Oh is class over already?"

"Y-Yes. You may go."


The boy lazily gets up, picking up his bag and exiting the door.


(Y/n) is seen sleeping with his back against a tree. But he soon wakes and stretches. He looks up to see Rias staring down at him through a window. She turns and walks away from the window.

He stares back, before falling asleep again. He wakes again when the bell rings. The boy sighs, and walks back into the school.

Timeskip to end of day

(Y/n) is seen walking home from school. When someone comes in front of him.

"Hi (Y/n)!"

The boy cracks a rare smile.

"Hey Raynare."

The girl elbows him, giving him a cute pout.

"Hey, is said call me Yuuma in this form."

"I know, I love to tease you."

The two walk away, tot he boys house.

The boy unlocks the door, to be met by two other women. Well, one woman and a small goth girl.

"Big brother (Y/n)!"

The little goth spreads her wings, and flies directly towards the boy, impacting with a large floating green pillow. The boy smiles by the girl's muffled giggles.

"Hey Mittlet. Hey Kalawarner."

Kalawarner waves happily. The group head to the dining table, Mittlet still burying her face into the soft pillow. They sit down and Kala opens the pots that were sitting there. She serves everyone, and they start to eat.

The group begin to eat.

"Wow! Kala, your cooking has improved!"

"Thanks. What do you think, master?"

"Best curry I've ever tasted."

Kalawarner blushes. The others laugh and they continue to eat.

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