Chapter 2: Harlequin vs the Red Dragon Empresses

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We see the boy from before and his trio of female in the middle of the night. Raynare is in her true form, and she hugs (Y/n)'s arm. They arrive at an old warehouse. (Y/n)'s floating pillow spins and shifts into a floating spear. The spear slashes the door, cutting it down. The group steps through the door way. They soon hear the sounds of something getting torn apart. They walk through the building, avoiding dead corpses.

"This stray has been luring in human men and eating them."

(Y/n) yawns lazily.

"She can't be all that bad. After all, we know her former master was... indecent, so let's see if we can give her a second chance. If she doesn't accept, well have to fight her sadly. Remember, if we have to fight, don't kill her."


"Oh? What's this... wonderful smell. So perfectly savory, yet there's this slight hint of a beautiful sweetness. Who are you?"

"My name is (Y/n) Harlequin. You must be the Stray Devil Viser."

"So I am. So why are you here? To kill me?"


The spear turns back into a pillow.

"I'm here to talk."


"I know if your former master's... offenses. Tell me, would you like a second chance?"

"Can I trust you?"

A part of the pillow turns into a dagger and it floats and jabs directly into the wall.

"I suggest you move away from that wall. The Gregory will pop through there."

Uncertain, the Stray Devil steps away from the wall, revealing her monstrous bottom half. As if on cue, the wall explodes. Rias and her Peerage stand there. Raynare and the others have gone back into the halls.

"Stray Devil Vise- Wait, (Y/n)?! What are you doing here?"

"I've come to offer this wonderful young lady her normal body back."

Viser glances at (Y/n) shocked.

"You can do that?"

"Yes of course. With this."

The spear returns, making Rias's eyes widen.


"Chastiefol, the Spirit Spear. The most powerful Holy Weapon."

The spear turns into green light which forms a strange sphere around Viser.

"Spirit Spear Chastiefol, Eight Configuration: Pollen Garden."

   The green light becomes brighter. The light covers Viser with a green glow, and her monstrous bottom half shrinks and contorts. Soon, she has normal human legs, although she does have a little reptile tail.

"I... thank you!!"

Viser leaps at (Y/n), only to be picked up by the arms of a large green bear.

"Chastiefol, Second Configuration: Guardian."

The bear soon becomes a gown that gently wraps around Viser.

"Oi! Mittlet! Need you get me an extra pair of clothes for Viser!"

The little goth loli fallen pops through the doorway, making the Devils tense.

"Here you go, big brother!"

She the happily skips back down the corridor. (Y/n) tosses Viser her new clothes. The guardian leaves her body and shifts back into a spear. (Y/n) then hooks Viser by the collar of her shirt and gently carries her behind him. He then turns to the Devils.

"I'm sorry to cut this meeting short, but I must be going now."

The fairy starts to turn his back, but suddenly feels threatened. Chastiefol smacks the attacker with its handle. (Y/n) turns to see Kiba had attacked him. He sighs disappointedly at the downed sword wielding devil. She get back up and draws another sword.

"Spirit Spear Chastiefol, Fifth Configuration: Increase."

Thousands of daggers appear around (Y/n).

"I do not wish to fight you. I can assure you, these small daggers hurt as much as light spears."

The daggers all float ominously around (Y/n), every single one of them pointing at Rias.


A shockwave sends the daggers flying though the air bouncing off walls and clattering to the ground.

"Spirit Spear Chastiefol, First Configuration: Chastiefol."

The daggers float up and merge becoming the spear once again.


The spear starts to rapidly attack Issea from all directions. The spear smacks her in the head with the flat end of the spear, pokes her belly with the blunt end, each blow not aiming to kill.

"Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost!"

"Ddraiga! Let's go!"


The spear slashes the magic in half, before jabbing it blade into the gauntlet, shattering it. It then smacks Issea away.

"Eighth form, Luminance."

The spear rapidly transforms, acting like a flash bang. The Devils cover their faces, and (Y/n) makes a quick escape, picking up Viser bridal style, making her blush. He then speed down the corridor. The trio of female Fallen are already up in the air.

"How did to go?"

"Not to well. One of the devils attacked me, but I don't mind."

The group then flies away, leaving the devils confused after recovering. Rias looks straight up at the sky.

"So (Y/n) is the Fairy King. I can't add him into my peerage without causing all put war with the fairies. How about I propose an alliance?"

"Kiba. Tomorrow, go fetch (Y/n) from his class. I want to talk to him about something."

"Are you going to add him to the peerage?"

"No. He's the Fairy King, if I did that, I would cause an all out war with the fairies, and those little guys are tougher than they look."

"They can't be that tough."

"One of them killed one of Ddraiga's former wielder. And she could fit in the palm of my hand."

Issea pales.

"But I do want to propose an alliance. We'll see what happens tomorrow."

(A/n: well that was exhausting. It's been awhile since I last wrote a chapter this long. So guys hope you are enjoying the story. But that's not the only reason I've made this note. I want to do this ahead of time, so I don't waste time for you guys.

What kind of familiar should (Y/n) have?

Emerald, the Forest Guardian Dragon.

(Human Form)

(Dragon Form)


Grace the Destructive Hydra

(Human Form)

(Monster form | pretend it's scales are purple.)

Or both (I vote for this one, so that's one.)

Votes are closed now: both as familiars is the winner

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